Women Under Construction

WELCOME TO THE "WOMAN UNDER CONSTRUCTION” BIBLE STUDY!!!  During the next 30 days, you will receive fresh revelation from the Bible and the book, "Woman Under Construction,” by Lady Linda Hodge in this progressive study of how you were skillfully crafted and wonderfully made by God.  As you read each Daily Devotional, purpose in your heart to hear the voice of God as if He were speaking directly to you.  Listen for yourself and not for anyone else.  None of us has the power to change anyone but ourselves.  So, don’t let the devil to make you think you’re being singled out.  The Bible tells us satan is the "accuser of the brethren,” but the Holy Spirit teaches us, strengthens us, and guides us in LOVE.  


Make this your personal 30-day journey of spiritual renovation.  Meditate on each TOOL FOR THE DAY by repeating it aloud several times.  Then, post a comment on the Blog to enhance your journey experience.  By the end of the 30 days, you will have a greater apprecition of your true worth and value in God, and you’ll be ready to make the needed changes in our life so you can experience God’s supernatural abundance.  After we have all been "renovated” into a luxury home by God, we will be ready to be "re-designed” by the Almighty Interior Designer Himself at our Designing Woman’s Luncheon at 12 Noon on Saturday, March 9, 2013.  Until that time, put on your "spiritual hard hat” and get ready for an awesome journey, because YOU ARE NOW A WOMAN UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!   ~ Pastor Wendy 

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