The Priceless Woman Study

Proverbs 31:11
January 11, 2012By Pastor Wendy Williams

 11The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. (KJV)

The virtuous woman is rare commodity.  She does exist, but she must be found….discovered.  She is not the average woman.  She doesn’t think like the average woman.  She doesn’t talk like the average woman.  And, she doesn’t act like the average woman.   She is not easily found, because "it is a rare man who is capable of discerning her.”  (Mike Murdock)  She is priceless; therefore, she cannot be bought.  


Her husband trusts her, and feels safe about their relationship.  He doesn’t have to check up on her, because he knows she will do what she says she will do, and she will be where she says she will be.  He can trust her to consistently perform her agreed upon duties, so that he can consistently perform his agreed upon duties.  He can trust her to keep his confidence and not share their business with friends and family.  He can trust her to guide the house and help manage the children.  He can trust her with his money, his fears, his weaknesses and his failures.  She does not withhold sex, and is faithful sexually.  She is thrifty with their possessions so that there is no waste.  Nothing in their relationship or household spoils and becomes rotten. Nothing withers away.   


Solomon describes the virtuous woman as a "wife” who so rare that she must be "found” by her potential "husband.”  That means, she is not in the streets and clubs looking for him, because he would never look for her there.   Solomon wrote earlier in Proverbs 18:22 "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.”  The key word is "findeth.”  This implies that the man has to do the searching.  In order to search for her, he has to know what he is looking for.  Otherwise he wouldn’t know when he has found her.  As a virtuous woman, you can’t afford to be in "disguise.”  You can’t think, look, talk and act like a television reality show personality and be "found” a virtuous woman.  You must think, look, talk and act like a virtuous (strong) woman of God.  That doesn’t mean you can’t wear makeup, fix your hair & nails, dress in the latest fashions and enjoy life.  But, it does mean that you must be modest and discreet.  And, you must look, talk and act like the strong, confident woman of virtue that God created you to be.   (Repeat the GEM FOR TODAY throughout the day.)


GEM FOR TODAY:  God created me to be strong and confident.  I think, look, and act with virtue (strength).  I am found trustworthy.  (Men say) I AM A MAN OF VALOR AND I VALUE GOD'S PRICELESS WOMAN!!! (Women say) I AM GOD'S PRICELESS WOMAN!!! In Jesus' Name, Amen  

Visitor Comments (6)
Proverbs 31:11
Posted By EAGLE_GIRL on January 15, 2012
I was told by my friends and family I was a strong woman and very trustworthy. I am God's Priceless Woman!!!
A Virtuous Woman
Posted By JOY LINDSEY on January 11, 2012
I don't worry about what people think as far as what I look like, because am too busy showing the God in me. See my heart, look within my soul, and feel my spirit. God has blessed me to love me, just the way I am.I always try to show the light God had placed in me. Virtuous yes, let His light shine upon the world .
Posted By TRENAY on January 11, 2012
I'm a virtuous woman I get that! I'm strong confident all the above. Because God says so.
Posted By LEOLAR on January 11, 2012
Wholeness to me is thinking, saying, and doing the same thing. I am a whole, strong woman of God because His word says so. I will be faithful to what God has called me to be. Purposeful and Virtuos. This journey is awesome!!!!!
God's priceless Woman
Posted By LOVEYTIMA on January 11, 2012
Today's reading gave me a self check on every area of my life, if I can learn how to be virtuous in my personal life it will extend to my every day life.
Value Gifts From God
Posted By MMATTHEWS on January 11, 2012
God's woman is of real substance and lasting quality and will offer important contributions to herself, family, and society as a whole.


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