The Priceless Woman Study

Proverbs 31:19
January 19, 2012By Pastor Wendy Williams

19She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. (KJV)
The virtuous woman spins yarn from wool, flax and other fibers so she can make garments and textiles.  Not only did she spin the yarn, but she also held the distaff of yarn.  Oftentimes, someone else would hold the distaff.  But the virtuous was so skillful, she could work with both hands.   She was a multi-tasker.
God's virtuous woman is indeed a rare find.  Maybe you have recognized some of her qualities in the female figures in your life.  My grandmother was a virtuous woman.  She got up a 4:00 a.m. and had breakfast ready by 5:00 a.m. so the men would be ready to work in the fields.  (She had to first build a fire in the wood buring stove.)  After she cleared away the breakfast dishes, she immediately prepared dinner so it was ready before noon.  Otherwise it would be too hot to cook.  The men came home, ate, and went back into the fields.  When they returned at the end of the day, they ate the leftovers for  supper.  She cooked and baked from scratch, made all of their clothing, knitted sweaters and made quilts for all of the beds.  She hand washed clothes in an wrought iron kettle or with a bar of soap on a washboard.  She hung them on the clothesline to dry.  Then, she milked the cows, churned butter and fed to the chickens and other livestock.  She planted a garden and canned food for the winter.  She always had enough left over to give to the poor.  She worked in the fields during the heavy planting season and at harvest time.  She never missed a church service unless she was bedridden.  And she did it all while raising nine children.  My mother exhibited some of the same qualities as she raised me.  God always gives us a Biblical role model and a contemporary role model.  Who was/is the virtuous woman role model(s) in your life?
There is no perfect man, and there is no perfect woman.  You may not be able to pursue all of the qualities of  strength ("chayil"  which defines both virtue and valor) all at once, but you can start where you are, and do what you can, with what you have.  You may never arrive at perfection, but you must never stop pursuing the qualities of strength.   You will become more and more strong.  (Repeat the GEM FOR TODAY throughout the day)
GEM FOR TODAY:   Father, You have created me as a multi-tasker.  Help me to organize my life so that I am able to do several things at the same time.   I am focused on the creative use of my gifts and talents as I pursue more and more the qualities of strength.  (Men say) I AM A MAN OF VALOR AND I VALUE GOD'S PRICELESS WOMAN!!! (Women say) I AM GOD'S PRICELESS WOMAN!!! In Jesus' Name, Amen

Visitor Comments (4)
Proverbs 31:19
Posted By EAGLE_GIRL on January 28, 2012
I can remember when I was little my real mom had left me and my sister home alone for two weeks at a time. If it wasn't for my aunt and uncle stopping by we would of been dead. We were starving at a week's time. That's why I'm so proud to call my aunt mom. My mom showed me their was more to life. God gave me the most gift of all my mom. God gave us a plan and creative side of us. We show are greatest gifts and talents all the time by having faith in our family. That's why my mom is my virtous role model. I am God's Priceless Woman!!!
I Love My Grandmother
Posted By MMATTHEWS on January 21, 2012
My grandmother was my role model. She never stop working on the inside, and outside of her home. She makes sure I went to sunday school , and church on on Sundays, and makes sure my best clo .She loves Jesus, and never fails to have a picture of Him in her home. She doesn’t spare the rod when raising her k grandchildren. She loves strong, which is why her family seeks her out not just in good times, but even when they’ve done wrong. She is usually silent, in a personally humble way.

I recall when growing up my grandmother had a great influence on me being whom I am today. I had and still have great respect for my grandmother . I knew not to get into any trouble, or break any rules. Threatening to tell my grandmother would put me on track.

Even today I have the same feeling when I encounter the typical Black grandmother, who I see digging her garden near dark or walking in her dress early Sunday morning on the way to Church. I have a respect that comes over me that I think was learned but is now instinctual.

Many Hats
Posted By JOYLINDSEY on January 19, 2012
We as women wear many hats. It maybe family, work, husband,church,and etc. I pray everyday Lord that You continue to lead me in the path You have given me for your purpose. May I use the gifts from You to the best of my ability, You are my strength. My body and mind is human but my spirit is yours Lord. Keep me in order and lead me. Striving to be as perfect as humanly possible. A priceless and virtuous woman .
My mom
Posted By HISLOSTCHILD on January 19, 2012
My virtous woman role model in my life is my mom. I remember her getting up early just to get me nd my brother up nd ready for school. Then getting herself ready to drive that long distance to work. I remember my mom working 2 nd 3 jobs and still maintaining the house so me and my brother can have what we needed I also remember her being the best mother she can be eventhough she raised us by herself. Thats who my virtuous role model is. I love her for who she is and for raising me to be the woman iam today. I wouldnt be who iam today if it wasnt for her and God

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